For Our Sellers

We provide a full listing presentation to explain the process and the services available. We supply a free Certified Market Analysis of your home and provide free updates of homes in your area as they are listed and sold.

What else can we do?

We specialize in the marketing of fine residences and offer a unique package of benefits. From our many years of experience running an advertising firm. We develop a custom marketing package for each listing, going beyond basic multi-listing to include:

Custom websites and e-mailed newsletters

Social media listings

Professional copywriting to highlight each property’s exceptional features

Professional quality photography and virtual tours

Custom brochures and event mailings - not your typical “real estate flyers”

Prominent weekly newspaper and magazine advertising of your home and open houses as often as

is convenient for your family’s schedule

Creativity in preparing and staging your home for successful open house previews

“Out of the box” ideas to attract and impress qualified buyers

Timely and frequent communications about activity concerning your property

Successful sales

In our experience, deals can collapse because of poor follow-through. We believe it is our duty to monitor, inspire, and motivate every person involved in each transaction, from realtors and lenders to home inspectors and contractors, so that they act and react in a timely manner. Establishing the highest priority for your property and maintaining that intensity, is the key to the successful conclusion of every sale.